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Trust after Betrayal Research Brief Series


Research Brief:
The Role of Procedural Justice for Formerly Armed Actor (Re)integration

Author(s): Jonathan Röders and Marlon Davis

Published: August 2023

This research brief delves into the critical role of procedural justice in Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) programs for formerly armed actors (FAAs). While often overlooked in DDR initiatives, procedural justice is vital for building trust and ensuring a successful transition to civilian life. The brief emphasises the importance of fair, transparent and accountable procedures in establishing institutional legitimacy and preventing a return to violence, which enhances post-conflict stability security. It explores key elements of procedural justice, including program delivery, eligibility screening, and effective communication. Additionally, the brief underscores the significance of community acceptance in DDR success and suggests community-based procedural justice strategies to bolster the success of DDR programmes.

To cite this research brief:
Röders, Jonathan and Davis, Marlon. 2023. “Research Brief: The Role of Procedural Justice for Formerly Armed Actor (Re)integration”. Trust After Betrayal. 

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