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Organizations ranging from grassroots collectives to state and international agencies play a vital, but nevertheless complicated role in shaping large-scale social changes.

Peacebuilding, violence reduction, and development and humanitarian interventions comprise a constellation of local, national, and international actors, each with their own agendas and interests. Two dynamics are often overlooked in the design phase of organized interventions attempting to mitigate the negative aftermath of war and oppression. First, people behave differently in organizations than they do independently, and these behavioral changes are contingent upon myriad contextual factors. Second, organized interventions embed within (rather than layer upon) existing relations of power and division in a given community; this results in a dialogical, rather than unidirectional flow of knowledge and expertise. To advance knowledge of interventions in context, Trust after Betrayal conducts research through organizations in all sectors and stages of the organizational life cycle: grassroots, non-profit, religious service, private philanthropy, public sector, and international cooperation.

Kinds of Interventions:
1. Grassroots cooperative led by a former FARC commander and victim of multiple violent displacements during the internal conflict mobilizing the community to begin a cooperative African Palm farming initiative.
2. International Organization for Migration (IOM-UN Migration) Somalia Mission working to reintegrate former affiliates of terrorist jihadist fundamentalist group al Shabaab.
3. Philanthropic arm of a multi-billion dollar Mexican retail giant supporting the sustainable development of a fishing village in the Mar de Cortés region of Mexico amid deteriorating security conditions.

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